A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) or Farm Share is a distribution model of agriculture in which before a single seed is planted members pay up front for a share of the coming year’s harvest. In return members receive produce and much more throughout the growing season.
Farm Shares are a great way to support local farmers, to eat closer to home, to reduce your environmental impact, and connect and create community all while enjoying fresh Certified Organic food. Learn about the different Farm Shares we offer and find the perfect way to eat local all year long.
We have three different CSA’s to choose from.

We’d love to be YOUR farmers!

Is a CSA right for me?

  • Do you desire to put a face to your food?

Know your Farmers, know your Food! CSA offer a direct connection between you and your family and us, your local farmers.

  • Are you creative in the kitchen? Or do you want to expand your culinary horizons and fall in love with cooking?

CSA’s allow you to try things that you typically would not find in the grocery store. Your CSA box will be filled with diversity in flavours, textures and colours! But not to worry, we will send out recipe ideas for crops like garlic scapes, radicchio and kohlrabi!

  • Do you love the taste of fresh?

In a CSA everything is truly farm fresh, in season, nutrient dense and at its peak!

  • Does eating seasonally inspire you?

CSA’s give you a taste of what each month brings from the fields. Eating seasonally just tastes better.

  • Do you want to support local, small scale, Certified Organic agriculture?

CSA’s are a great way of supporting farms like us stewarding the land.

  • Is creating a resilient food system important to you?

Buying direct from a local farm means you are contributing to regional food security and farmland preservation. Reduce your food miles and say goodbye to imported kale and salad greens!

  • Do you want an experience along with your food?

As a CSA member you can come visit the farm. We welcome members to visit to get a hands-on look at their food production through our scheduled field tours.

  • Do you want to feel connected to the farm?

We send out a weekly newsletter, full of recipe ideas, photos and farm stories. We love it when members to share their favourite recipe ideas so we can share with other members!

  • Want some added perks of Membership?

We offer Free Flower U-Pick in the summer and Free Pumpkin U-Pick in October! We also have a members only web-store, a convenient way to add additional produce to your share.

  • Are you worried about travel plans affecting your CSA Shares?

We offer a flexible vacation hold policy. Members can place their box on hold, (twice in summer, once in winter) for credit towards next season or for produce from the webstore.

  • Good Food for All?

We offer sliding scale pricing and community supported shares. Members choose their share price based on their own financial resources so that more in our community can enjoy good food.

If you answered YES to most of these questions then a CSA might be just right for you!

We offer 3 seasonal CSA Shares you can explore further:

If you answered NO to most of these questions that’s OK!

There are still many ways you can eat local and support our farm. Visit us at a local Farmers Market or at our Farm Stand.

You can also Check out the Friends of the Farm Program for added flexibility.